Feedback Thoughts

Image Credit. Feedback? by Josefine H. Akerblom. Taken January 2015. Source: Flickr . The first article I read was Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt in Creative Work by John Spencer. I LOVED this article. I think that John Spencer's advice applies to creative work, a workplace, and self-doubt in everyday life. His advice is far-reaching as far as I'm concerned. The first piece of advice he offers is don't compare yourself to others. In a world where Instagram, Facebook, and other social medias make viewing even the most private moments of others lives easily accessible it's hard not to compare yourself to others. However, I see the importance of trying to make yourself your only comparison. If instead of spending energy focusing on other people's lives we spent that energy on our own lives we would be able to make progress more quickly and more concisely. Another tip he gave that stood out to me is to set goals that are within your control. When goals are se...