My Thoughts on Growth Mindset

Growth. Taken by Mike Lawrence. Source: Flickr

Growth Mindset is not something that I had heard about before. Learning of Carol Dweck's work was a first for me and I had very conflicting thoughts hearing her take on growth mindset. I think that we should not expect everything to come easily for us. However, there will always be someone who has a natural ability or better ability for the task at hand. I do not know if we should make it celebrated when kids get something easily, but it is bound to happen. I also think that a person’s abilities should be celebrated. If one person gets math really well they shouldn’t feel cheated when it isn’t hard for them. They may be more challenged in other areas like reading or English so this ability to understand math evens it out for them. I do like the aspect of challenge in Carol’s growth mindset. I think that if more people enjoyed the challenge of learning the education system would be growing at a much faster rate.
I definitely have somewhat of a mixed growth mindset type of thinking. I believe an A is an A. Whether it is a 99 or a 90.9 I am happy with it. However, I like to take on challenging tasks like taking the LSAT and trying to go to law school. I think that it is a good thing that I like challenges, but I think if everything was challenging to me I would quit faster. I do not think that making things challenging motivates anyone especially if it’s for an extended period of time. I think that challenge can be a good thing. However, like everything else, too much of a good thing can be bad.


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