Week 15 Story: Gandhari's New Sight

Image Credit. Gandhari. Source: Wikipedia . It was around noon as Gandhari was walking through the castle of her new husband Dishtra. She was practicing walking with the blindfold that she had put on the moment she and her husband were married. It was new to her always seeing the blackness but she had known the sacrifice she was making. She heard someone approaching and turned towards the sound. "Mistress, what are you doing out of bed? You and the baby need rest," said Lakriti her handmaiden. You see, Ganhari was 9 months pregnant and was supposed to be in bed. However, she had grown restless and wanted to explore the castle so that she was completely familiar with it when the baby was born. "I am going back to bed Lakriti. Do not worry about me." As Gandhari walked back to her room her water broke. She had delivered the baby by the morning, but was silent the rest of the day. The king and her handmaidens had star...