Week 14 Reading Notes: Epified Mahabharata

Image Credit. Sun. Source: GoogleImages.

I decided to watch more of the Epified videos covering the topic of the Mahabharata. I will be watching the Mahabharata part b portion of the videos for Tuesday's free reading as I have already watched part a. The Mahabharata was definitely more my favorite than the Ramayana. I enjoyed the characters, scenery, and storytelling much more. When I saw the chance to revisit the Mahabharata I knew that it was something that I wanted to do. The Epified videos are the best way to rewatch or look again at an Indian Epic. The illustrations add a whole new element to the story. It makes it very easy to pay attention to and it is very fun to watch the story unfold.
     I really loved the story of Kunti giving birth to the son of the sun god. This story reminded me a lot of a bible story I used to read when I was growing up. This story has a lot of elements that I like. I like Kunti's courage to talk to the sage and keep him company. It takes a lot of courage to approach someone who seems unapproachable. I bet the sage was lonely before and really enjoyed Kunti's company. I also enjoy that the sun god gave her so much when she did not ask for anything. I think that he should have given her a way to keep the child though. No mother should have to abandon their son and send them in a basket down the river. I think that the sun god should have gone with Kunti and shown off the baby that he gave her so that the people would have accepted her being the mother of the child. If I were to retell this story, and I might, I would definitely make this change.

Epified. Mahabharata. 


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