Week 13 Reading: Uloopi Comic Book

Image result for Uloopi
Image Credit. Ulupi. Source: GoogleImages

     This comic book was one of the best things that I have read so far in this class. There were so many beautiful illustrations that were very compelling and made me want to continue reading the comic book. There were bright colors, blues, pinks, yellows, oranges, and greens, that made the story come to life. Uloopi is one of my storybook characters so I had read about her before but this story I really enjoyed. I like how she lives in an underwater kingdom as a princess. This has a Disney princess air to it and I hope she gets a happy ending that would make a Disney princess jealous. So she meets Arjuna who is not very good to her. He is definitely not as invested in the relationship as she is.
      At first, I was mad that Uloopi decided to follow Arjuna and then mad again that she decided to live with his other wife and their son. However, I think it shows Uloopi's big heart. She is not extremely jealous but does want more attention than she is getting. I like how close Uloopi is with Arjuna's son. They have a unique bond. I also like that their is little jealousy between Chitrangada and Uloopi. I do not think that Uloopi got the entire Disney princess ending. However, she did get to be the hero of this story and I thought that was really cool. I really like how she used her heritage as a naga princess to save Arjuna. It was also awesome that she got to save her husband and release him from his dreadful curse. She is an amazing character and I think she definitely deserved more of Arjuna's attention. She will always be one of my favorite characters of Indian Epics.

Guide: Uloopi. Source: BlogSpot.


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