Week 12 Reading Notes: Part B Jataka Tails
Image Credit. Attracting Quails to Your Yard. Source: GoogleImages.
The Quarrelsome Quails caught my eye because of the character of the Quail King. He is exactly what you want in a leader. He is wise and leads his people in ways that will ensure their safety. I also like that they way to remain safe is for the quails to not fight. If they do fight then they will be caught and then eventually they do get caught. I really like how each of these stories, while short and sweet, have a really good lesson in each. The Jataka tales are some of my favorites of the Indian Epics. I like the childhood story feel that they have to them. I also really enjoy the lesson that they have in each of them. As I continue the free reading I would like to read more of the Jataka tales and more of the Epified videos.
Inayat. Twenty Jataka Tales.
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