Week 11 Reading Part A: Jataka Tales

Image Credit. Are You an Owl or are You a Crow? Source: Steemit.

      So I was more intrigued by the titles of the reading b but I now for the second reading of the week I am going back to part a of the Babbitt Jataka Tales. The merchant of Seri was a good read in this group of stories. I like how the grandmother, even though they were poor and that the bowl had special meaning to them, agreed to trade the bowl so that her granddaughter could get something. The greedy merchant was a fool to throw the bowl on the ground and then walk away. I was glad that it was the happy merchant that got to profit from the gold bowl. I also like how the story ended. It was yet another happy ending in the Jataka Tales. I think that these stories are so short that they will be easy to recreate and add in some detail that I think the original stories lack.
   The story called "Why the Owl Is Not the King of the Birds" was interesting to me as well. It was so short I think retelling it would be good because a few characters and details would really elevate the tale. I also did not like the crow's reason for not accepting the owl as his king. If I were to rewrite this story I would want the crow to have a better reason. Leaders should be appointed based on the qualities that they possess not the looks they do. The crow needs to hear the old saying "Don't judge a book by its cover". Overall I was glad I choose to read these little stories. It reminds me of the tales my parents would read to me when I was younger. I also am very excited about the storytelling assignment this week because there were quite a few things I wanted to change in the stories I read.

Babbitt. The Jataka Tales. Source: BlogSpot.


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