Week 10 Reading Krishna: Part A

Image Credit. Krishna. Source: GoogleImages.

     The origin story of Krishna is very intricate and there is lots going on. I like how they switched the babies so that he would be the one who was beside Devaki. I really liked how when King Kansa picked him up he was not able to kill Krishna and he evaded him. King Kansa's plan to try and kill all the children in his country is quite harsh and unnecessary. King Kansa seems like the typical villain in the story. I really think that the ending of Putana's story is also unnecessary. Why should she attain salvation for suckling Krishna even though she did it meaning to kill him? She had done so much evil in her life time and killed so many innocent babies I do not think that she should have gotten to live.
      Krishna has true power and I am interested to see how his story will end. He is quite the troublesome infant but I am happy that he had the parents that he did. They are very patient and kind to him. You can also tell that he cares for them as well when he ties the cord around his waist for Yashoda. Every adversary King Kansa sends at Krishna he destroys with ease. Even Putana's brothers were no match for Krishna. I really like his might and how much power he possesses even at his young age. The powerful qualities Krishna has makes me hope that he will turn into a hero of this story.
      Then reading of Krishna saving his father you get a glimpse of him becoming the hero he showed he could become. I really like Krishna's attitude and presence in Part A of his story. He is kind saying his father and being nice to his mother. However, he is also a formidable adversary. I think that King Kansa should be worried because he will not want to face Krishna face to face.

Kincaid: Krishna. Source: Blogspot.


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