Week 6 Reading: PDE Mahabharata Part B

Image Credit. High Five for Draupadi. Source: Times of India.

     I am glad that Queen Kunti and her sons, the Pandavas, are still alive and the plan of Prince Duryodhana and King Dhritarashtra was foiled even if they do not know it. Kunti and her sons have moved to the wilderness. It seems that when a character in an Indian Epic is living in the wilderness the rakshasa find them. The rakshasa have shown up in many of the sections of the Ramayana and Mahabharata. They make good villains and are comparable to bad guys in most superhero movies.
    Draupadi's swayamwara is a particularly dramatic part of reading B of the Mahabharata. She really dismissed Karna very harshly before accepting Arjuna warmly. I am happy that her father got what he wanted even though he never spoke of his wants out loud. This story would be fun to recreate because of the dramatic scene that unfolds here. I like that a princess took charge of her own destiny and that everyone, besides Karna, got what they wanted. Until Queen Kunti got involved and demanded that all of the Pandavas take Draupadi for their bride. This seemed very strange to me and I wish it had ended differently for Draupadi because I think that she would have rather had Arjuna as her sole husband.
     I was very happy to see Uloopi show up in the Mahabharata. The way she met Arjuna seems very romantic and she gave him the power to go invisible in water which is really cool. Uloopi is a character in my storybook and so getting to read her part in the Mahabharata is very cool for me.
The Pandavas palace would be a cool place to create a story in. It seems to be gigantic and beautiful. At the end of this reading, the epic is taking a turn for the worse. It seems as though all the characters are focused on is their own revenge. Thank goodness for Draupadi for saving the Pandavas but the ending of this reading was very bleak.

Source PDE Mahabharata.


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